Floating your way to inner peace with Jonathan Murray Episode 014

August 14, 2015

A few months ago my real estate agent friends Brent Tornquist and Tom Hume were talking about their client that was opening a float center. Jonathan and his wife Sarah opened the Uncharted Waters Float Center on South Proctor & South 12th in Central Tacoma this Spring. Jonathan is from Portland. He moved to Tacoma when he fell in love who Sarah, who he met in line at a Queensreich concert. They first bought a house in Hilltop and now they’re moving to the North End.

What does floating for an hour in a dark room help with? “The magnesium from the epsom salt is a natural anti-inflammatory,” he said. “People who just want to relax and sleep better. It really helps with sleep… if you’re creative… If you just want to think more clearly.”

“People are scared to be alone with their thoughts,” says Jonathan. He recommends floating for people looking for quiet space or for people looking to process past trauma or pain. Their facility has a therapy dog and gives a discount to servicemen and women.

Opening a business like this is no small task. They had to fully remodel the building and then go through an extensive process with the City of Tacoma and the Pierce County Health Department. “You have to form a really good relationship with the health department!” says Jonathan. “We have to follow the same regulations as a pool or spa.”

If you’re preparing to come in and float for the first time, Jonathan recommends stopping by for a float or checking out the website.

Show Notes:

Uncharted Waters Website

Article about Uncharted Waters in South Sound Talk

Absolutely Fabulous Episode where Edina goes in a Float Tank

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