Episode 15: Back to School Special with the 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 Washington State Teachers of the Year

September 18, 2017

 Teachers of the Year: Camille Jones 2017, Lyon Terry 2015, and Katie Brown 2014, Nate Bowling 2016

Teachers of the Year: Camille Jones 2017, Lyon Terry 2015, and Katie Brown 2014, Nate Bowling 2016

Katie Brown, 2014 Teacher of the Year, holds a BA in anthropology and taught 7th grade English before moving into ELL (English Language Learners). Not only is Katie an amazing educator, she won a silver medal in World Championship Shuai Chiao (Chinese Wrestling.)

Lyon Terry, 2015 Teacher of the Year, 4th grade educator and lover of children believes that the way to strengthen learning is through human connections. Lyon structured Seattle’s “walking school bus program.” In 2014, he sat on a committee to regulate Common Core for reading and writing.

Camille Jones, 2017 Teacher of the Year, teaches K-3 in a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) class. Camille is a self-proclaimed Millennial that teaches in the rural town from which she grew up.  She believes that every student has the opportunity to grow and learn, given the chance.

On this episode, Washington’s Teacher of the Year recipients of the previous four years sit and discuss their teaching philosophies, how they view their students, and educating in the very rural contrasting with the highly urban.

The diverse background of these professionals lends to some interesting conversation regarding books, policy, white supremacy, and accountability.  They have a hard discussion surrounding the profession and get real on how they feel about the vocation they love so much.

From the different backgrounds the teachers discuss the teacher shortage and how to perpetuate growth in that opportunity. Solution? highlight the joy of teaching, produce readers, create voters.

For the next Teacher of the Year and, in our opinion, everyone:

  1. Be who you are. Say what you believe. Speak the truth and ground it in love.

  2. Think about who is the person you want to project? Ensure that you’re projecting your values.

Hopes for the year:

  1. Be a better teacher

  2. Build relationships, carry a level of urgency and intensity.

  3. Develop better relationships around the community. It takes a village.

  4. To be a more effective advocate for my students.

The Socials:

Camille Jones

Katie Brown

Lyon Terry


Further Reading:

What Does it Mean to Be White? by Robin DiAngelo

It Won’t Be Easy: An Exceedingly Honest (and Slightly Unprofessional) Love Letter to Teaching by Tom Rademacher


Book ClubThe Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

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