Ep. 80: How Wealthy White Parents Use “Local Control” to Destroy School Districts and US Resegregate Schools — Zahava Stadler, EdBuild

December 8, 2019

Zahava Stadler is the Director of Policy for EdBuild. Zahava believes that child poverty and community economic health are at the root of the largest problems facing American public education, and she is excited that EdBuild is refocusing the policy conversation on these fundamental issues.

Zahava leads policy research and analysis at EdBuild. Before joining EdBuild, she worked with the School District of Philadelphia on its strategic planning process, completed an Education Pioneers fellowship at TNTP (formerly The New Teacher Project), and conducted graduate research on issues of educational equity, student disadvantage, and school finance. She began her career in education at Innovative Schools, a nonprofit organization in Wilmington, Delaware, working with school districts and charter schools on human capital issues.

Zahava holds master’s degrees in public administration and education policy from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree in politics from Princeton University.


The Rundown

4:00 What are the borders of school districts and what do they mean for school funding.

7:30 Where does the money come from in different districts?

13:00 How is Vermont doing so well?

21:30 Student Based vs Resourced Based Systems

26:00 School District Secession

28:30 The Memphis Story


The Wind Down

46:30 Watching, Listening, Reading

49:00 Katy Downs Question


The Socials

Twitter @ZahavaEdBuild

Twitter: @EdBuild


Going Further

Fractured: The Accelerating Breakdown of America’s School Districts

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America



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