Ep. 60: It’s the Most Wonderful Time To Reignite the War on Christmas

December 12, 2019

EQ: How should we handle holidays in the classroom, are they uniquely special abroad, and what do we have to be thankful for this year?

We review our generally warm feelings about this time of the year, but acknowledge our very Christian upbringings. We delve into why it’s not okay to force Christmas imagery in the classroom even if you are “properly teaching it” or trying to be “exclusive”. We blame Tom Rademacher for restarting the war on Christmas (aka white middle class women) with this tweet:

If you don’t get the reference, check out this article from Snopes on the history of the struggle.

Annie and I reflect on why so many Americans “need” to compare everything to Christmas (Christian) traditions. Go read Stop Calling Hanukah the Jewish Christmas. Finally we toast (pass out hypothetical cookies) to our dear friends and family. We are free with the goal for all the shady folks making the holidays about consumerism and Elf on a Shelf.

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